Zelma ‘Zell’ Sanders was a Harlem/Bronx-based music entrepreneur who through the fifties and sixties ran a number of labels – notably J&S, Zells and Dice. She began in the business way back in 1955 when she managed The Hearts who recorded for the Baton label. Interestingly the Hearts featured the talents of Baby Washington and the skills of Rex Garvin as chief accompanist; a couple of their vintage sides are featured here. But the bulk of the 28 cuts come from Sanders’ own labels and as the title suggests the artists are the various girl groups and odd solo chanteuses that Zell seemed to favour. Most famous of the groups is the Jaynetts – best remembered for their ‘Sally Go Round The Roses’. That particular song isn’t here – it was licensed to Abner Spector’s Tuff label, but they do get a generous half a dozen cuts . Musically, it’s the classic NY girl group sound that just predates the soul era and though none of the songs are truly special (Zelma wrote most if them for the royalties) there’s no denying they have a certain innocent charm. Try the Jaynetts’ ‘Peepin’ In And Out The Windows’ and Taffie Lee’s early Motown-esque ‘Stay Away From My Baby’ to get the feeling. The CD’s notes come courtesy of girl group expert Mick Patrick and he fills in all the relevant details and even manages to make some sense of the tortuous comings and goings within the groups’ ranks. A typical Ace issue this – one with real appeal to collectors.
(BB) 3/5