For few years now Euge Groove (Steven Grove) has been right up at the top of the smooth jazz tree and this new 10 tracker ain’t about to change things. The album has everything that smooth jazz fans adore… and, equally, nothing that will cause its detractors to reassess the genre. The album is stuffed full of simple, tuneful melodies and sweet instrumentation – offered in the most unchallenging yet professional way… “Easy” – like that infamous Lionel Richie “Sunday Morning”, to which I’m assuming the album’s title refers. Mr Groove and producer, the seemingly ubiquitous Paul Brown, know the market they’re aiming at and have gone right for bull’s eye with tunes like ”As You Like It’, ‘All For You’, ‘On Your Knees’ and the LP’s title cut. Just occasionally the music rears its metaphorical head over the parapet. The languid ‘Get Ready’ (not the Temptations’ classic, by the way) and the beefy ‘Say My Name’ are the two that spring to mind, though if you’re partial to a romantic slowie then ‘The Gospel Truth’ will fit the bill. That really only leaves the album’s one vocal track… and if you’re a fan of that old quite storm music you’ll love ‘Yes’. Written and sung by Dax Reynosa it’s a really lovely song with just a hint of Howard Hewett about it and it really does merit serious investigation… a knee trembler par excellence! As for the rest, well, as intimated, its standard smooth jazz fare that will turn on and turn off listeners in equal amounts.
(BB) 3/5