JAMES D TRAIN WILLIAMS is a particular favourite of the UK soul crew. Little wonder, his big, Brooklyn–reared voice had (indeed still has) a wonderful resonance that seems to have especial appeal to UK soul ears… and other discerning listeners, of course. Did you know, for instance, he even worked with Luther on ‘Dance With My Father’?
Anyway, as is often the way with big voiced soulsters, they regularly find themselves in demand as vocalists for top house music producers. For some time now D Train has been singer of choice for US House Don, Lenny Fontana who runs the garlanded Karmic Records.
Lenny’s latest collaboration with James is a mighty, beat boomer ‘When You Feel What Love Has’. The classic New York style dancer comes in the usual welter of mixes…. but through ’em all it’s the remarkable voice of James D Train Williams that shines through!