
‘Almost Persuaded’ is the brand new and long overdue album from SWING OUT SISTER and once again Corinne Drewery and Andy Connell have crafted a work of understated beauty that offers the pair’s unique twist on sophisticated 60s/70s soul liberally sprinkled with Jimmy Webb influences and garnished with the odd smooth jazz flourish and cinematic sweep.

It would be churlish to cherry pick a highlight but ‘Don’t Give The Game Away’ has an ethereal quality that sums up the mood of the whole album. Like the other 11 tracks, it’s a “proper song”… organic, melodic and produced and delivered with love.

I know it’s only the second week of January, but I doubt if we’ll have a sweeter album to enjoy this year and what a pity that Corinne and Andy have had to go out on their own to deliver. Find out more @