BOOMTANG is a Canadian indie label that’s been around for a remarkable 30 years or so. I guess soul-wise their greatest “hit” (never really a hit!) was Sean Oliver’s ‘Just You And Me’ back in 1997.
Since then the label has issued plenty of tunes across genres many featuring the Boomtang Boys and the Boomtang All Stars. The label’s latest bills the “All Stars” as the artists on a lovely, sedate and sophisticated dance track, ‘Soul Revolution’. It’s one of those tracks that sort of worms its way into your consciousness. You can’t say what makes it so good … it just is.
One of the reasons could be the sweet, soulful vocals from MICHAEL DUNSTON, the lead singer with Canada’s premier soul and funk band CRACK O’ DAWN. He possesses a remarkable old school soul voice that in quality and timbre is right up there with people like Phil Perry and Will Downing – that’s right, warm, sonorous and convincing. Mike’s supported on the track by jazz ensemble FOUR 80 EAST and between ‘em all they cook up a wonderful little tune… not really “revolutionary” – just a classic contemporary soul dancer. Recommended.