By common consent one of last years best soul albums was ‘Ancestral Voices’ from the BRIT FUNK ASSOCIATION . Mind you with the band’s collective pedigree it couldn’t have delivered anything but real quality Brit soul. You see, marshalled by horn man Kenny Wellington and saxophonist Patrick McClean, the collective was made up of battle-hardened veterans from iconic bands like Beggar and Co, Hi Tension, Central Line and Light of the World!

If you want more of their magical music (and why wouldn’t you!!!) the Brit Funkateers are lining  up a new EP with the focus track being a gorgeous new remix of ‘Take It In Stages (Write Those Pages)’. It was always a winner on the LP but here in a Georgie B remix it takes on a whole  new dimension. Our George adds forty or so seconds to the cut to allow him to blend in Philly type strings  and more percussive elements. There’s also a whiff of the Blackbyrds about this one. Whatever, it’s ab fab and one of those rare cuts that manages to capture the vibe of soul’s golden age whilst remaining contemporary. But that’s George for you!

To make the EP  even more desirable, it includes  2 completely fresh tracks. First up there’s ‘A Cosmic Love Song’ . The Kenny Wellington/Frank Felix tune  comes on like a melding of  Lonnie Liston Smith and The Mizell Brothers! The second “newie” is  ‘Chasin’ The Rain’ which we’re told was inspired by  a documentary about the movement of the animals on the African Plains as they search for water.  It’s jazzy and atmospheric.

The final EP track (digital only) is the full length version of ‘Ancestral Voices’  which can now be heard as it was recorded in its full glory.

This hugely recommended EP will be good to go on March 29th via Expansion.
