
Legendary guitar man, STEVE CROPPER is about to release a brand new album. ‘Dedicated’ is the Memphis axe man’s tribute to legendary R&B group the 5 ROYALES – or more specifically their guitar man LOWMAN PAULING. The ROYALES hailed from North Carolina and they recorded chiefly for the legendary King label in the fifties. Amongst their biggest hits were ‘Dedicated To The One I Love’ and ‘Think’ and many commentators see them as a vital link between group R&B and harmony soul. Like most doo-wop/harmony groups of the era the ROYALES worked with their own guitarist… LOWMAN PAULING. As a young musician CROPPER saw the group and PAULING at a local Memphis hop and he was hooked on his whole approach and style and he’s quick to admit the debt he owes to the now largely unknown PAULING.

So this new album of CROPPER’S is a kind of homage to his old hero and to help him in his task he’s enlisted some stellar names – amongst them STEVE WINWOOD, BETTY LAVETTE, BB KING, DAN PENN and SHARON JONES. The album is released at the end of August on 429 Records and to help promote the set STEVE is about to set out on a UK tour which runs through to September. For the tour  STEVE will be supported by THE ANIMALS. Check your local press to see if he’s appearing in a town near you! Full review of the ‘Dedicated’ album on SJF very soon.