SEAN O’BRYAN SMITH is an in-demand bass player on the American session and live circuits. He’s also a committed Christian and three years ago he hit on the idea of creating his own gospel album based on the familiar hymns and spirituals he regularly heard in church when his touring commitments allowed him the indulgence.
Bringing in a stellar cast of musicians (amongst them GERALD ALBRIGHT, RANDY BRECKER AND CHUCK LOEB), O’BRYAN created fresh arrangements to familiar material like ‘How Great Thou Art’, ‘Blessed Assurance’ and ‘Will The Circle Be Unbroken’. Then for variety, he developed two new tunes, ‘Called’ – an infectious soul-jazz groove and ‘Reflection’ – a spoken word sermon delivered by MALCOLM JAMAL-WARNER. SEAN and his team were so impressed by the end results on that cut that they named the whole album for it.
The 12 tracker was recorded in the bassist’s own Nashville studio where an old Trident analogue console was used to create and authentic old time religion feeling.
‘REFLECTION’ by SEAN O’BRYAN SMITH is out now on Groove Therapy Record. You can find out more about the project @ www.seanobryansmith.com