LA RECETTE is a young French jazz collective and in just one year together they’ve won plenty of friends within the French jazz scene.
The band was created by guitarist Oscar Emch and with keyboardist Etienne Manchon, he penned La Recette’s latest single, ‘Space Odyssey’. The tune – in all its epic 9 minutes plus – is an eerie and yes, spaced out affair. In places it mind remind jazz veterans of the Chess studio band The Soulful Strings – but add a dash of Parisian quirkiness and you have something quite, quite different. The track features minimalist vocals, bizarre horn charts and shifting mood changes… featuring 17 musicians, it’s a sort of Charles Stepney production for the 21st century.
La Recette are currently working on a new EP, to be released in the Autumn and, in that totally modern way, the band are using crowd funding to finance the recording.
If you want to find out more about La Recette, ‘Space Odyssey’ and how to help with the new EP, then go to