TOLUMIDE is a Nigerian/Canadian Afro-Soul singer now busy promoting her latest single ‘Throwback’. The song was recorded in collaboration with Terry Poindexter from two separate locations and was produced remotely with TolumiDE (that’s how she spells it) recording her vocals from home.
‘Throwback’ offers plenty of musical intrigue – marrying a contemporary soul sound with a gentle take on Afro-beat and a hint of reggae in a quite intoxicating way. Lyrically, ‘Throwback’ is another song inspired by the pandemic and ensuing lockdowns. She says that the message in the music is to embrace the good old days with gratitude, cherishing memories to help lighten up the current moment and the problems we’re in. TolumiDE adds that the song is inspired by a time with fewer cares. She cites dancing in the sun and celebrating “ayoola” – a Yoruba word for the joy of wealth, which includes the richness of the current moment.
TolumiDE concludes: ““I would love listeners to be happy, share their stories like photos and videos of cherished memories and possibly dance along to the song. Together, we can celebrate and give thanks for the simple things.”