EROBIQUE (aka Carsten Meyer) is a German music maker who’s preparing a new album simply called ‘No 2’, though Discogs will tell us that he has more than one long player to his name (maybe some were collaborations or soundtracks?)

To herald the new album Herr E has just released a single – a very catchy ‘Salut Les Copines!’ (we believe that French phrase means something like “Morning guys!” or something like that).  

Now the track’s not soul – it’s almost smooth jazz with a real mellow feel. Maybe it’s “soft rock” or “yacht rock”; Erobique’s PR people call it “electrorganic soul”; whatever, it has a peculiar soothing charm which includes great sax work and a French vocal  from Luis Baltes who is actually German but sings sweetly “en Franḉais”!


This intriguing ‘Salut Les Copines!’ is out now via Mr. Mellow’s Music