Over the last few years, Finland’s TIMMION RECORDS has made a name for itself with serious soul collectors. It’s an independent music enterprise  run by Sami Kantelinen and Jukka Sarapää; and they’re also the musical  brains behind The Soul Investigators as well as Cold Diamond & Mink. The Investigators are Timmion’s house band while Cold Diamond and Mink are the song writing/ production team behind most of the label’s output.

The latest single from Timmion features Helsinki soul singer EMILIA SISCO (real name Emilia Heinonen) and the disc’s A side is a gentle, brassy, Southern soul meander called ‘Trouble’. It’s rather unprepossessing  but it’s a real grower – sweet harmonies from the backing singers, punchy brass and a tender vocal makes for a winner!

The B side is a more sultry ‘It’ll get Better’ where the reference point is Memphis and all points south! On both cuts, Ms S is supported by the aforementioned Cold Diamond and Mink.

Both tracks are available  digitally with orange and black vinyl editions also on offer!
