Latest release from the new(ish) PIZZA EXPRESS label features Newcastle music maker edbl (all small case). edbl is the musical alter ego of Ed Black and his very particular take on new age soul and all kinds of other things  has amassed over 40 million streams whilst he’s also collaborated with countless other artists in all kinds of genres and his people tell us that he’s proud that  his music is hard to pin down – soul roots for sure but there’s hip-hop, jazz, electronica and a whole lot more.

The first single from the Live Pizza Express set shows why Mr Black is hard to pin down. It’s a big, funky  groove, ‘Cigars’ with spoken word parts that are  but aren’t rap, if you see what I mean. Maybe more surprising is a gentle, building cover of Lemar’s ‘If There’s Any Justice’ which offers whole new perspective on the song.

edbl at Pizza Express Live in London is released on June 16th 2023.