The Holy Rollercoasters are a hard working, gritty octet from Brisbane Australia and they’ve just launched an off the wall five track EP… ‘Bathe’. Their sound is hard to define … no bad thing of course. They tell us that they’re big fans of the classic funk sound of Daptone and indeed throughout the EP there’s plenty of raucous brassy funk – catch ‘Ain’t Gonna Get Better’ to hear that.
That song title gives another clue to what the Rollercoasters are all about. There’s a dark side to their music – sinister even. I mean titles like ‘Bathe In The Blood Of The Lamb’ and ‘O Death’ are a bit of a giveaway… as too is the art work!
So yep – a touch of funk for sure – but also a touch of punk, a splash of indie rock and lots beside. ..