‘Neva Need’ is the latest single from MICFREAK (Michael Cobaria). He hails from Baltimore and is well-respected in soulful house circles for his sometimes unusual take on the genre. On his tracks he plays everything himself in order to get the exact sound he wants. A control MicFreak?
That sound is marked out by disco loops, warm bass lines, tight beats, jazzy piano and melodic synth fills. Above all he’s known for ultra catchy vocal choruses and on ‘Neva Need’ that’s exactly what you get. The sweet vocal (on my copy an anonymous female) simply but effectively coos the title with understated urgency while the Linn drums and Philly flavoured strings swirl about. Catchy!
‘Neva Need’ is out now on Traxsource promo and Spotify / Full release August 4th 2023 on Unquantize.