For the most of the year, the savvy soul media (that’s us!) have been waxing all lyrical about NATASHA WATTS’ album, ‘Music Is My Life’. It’s been around since March and was originally released in imaginative packaging via Ms W’s website.
The album was /is stuffed with goodies and little wonder that it hit the top spot on the UK soul album chart. Various singles from the set sold out on vinyl and were played constantly by the best radio stations and jocks – even someone called Tony Blackburn enthused about one track, ‘I Am Me’.
Right now Ms W’s team would like you to know that this top notch album will get a full on, global digital release on November 17th. So if you don’t have a copy (and why the hell not!!) you know what to do and to re-read what we said about the album go to –https://www.soulandjazzandfunk.com/reviews/natasha-watts-music-is-my-life-https-www-natashawattsmusic-com/