In the golden days of soul-jazz, most of the key practitioners would regularly record their versions of pop and soul hits giving them a new spin and offering new perspectives. Amongst the most popular tunes to cover were anything by the Beatles. Unless you were around in the 60s it’s almost impossible to understand what an impact the Liverpool Fabs had on music (and culture in general) and, of course, the band and their music refuse to go away. Right now, they’re as big as ever and their songs are still being covered by artists of all genres.
Now soul-jazz outfit, THE RUMPROLLER TRIO tread the tried and trusted Beatles long and winding road in the manner of their musical forbears. The band consist of Kevin Stevens on drums, James Achor on guitar, and Carey Frank on Hammond B3 Organ. Very cleverly their 5 track Beatles tribute EP is called ‘Let It Be3’ – even though the Fabs’ ‘Let It Be’ isn’t one of the included songs.
The chosen tunes are ‘Sgt Pepper’, ‘Girl’, ‘Something’, ‘Oh Darling’ and ‘Norwegian Wood’. The first two are given classic, Hammond-led instrumental treatments while the remaining three offer vocals courtesy of either Woody Mankowski and/or Ben Thomas. Both singers seem to try to emulate another famed Beatles-song-cover-singer, Joe Cocker. It’s intriguing throughout with ‘Norwegian Wood’ particularly effective – haunting and evocative like the song’s storyline. We’re lovin’ the clever cover art work too (see above).
THE RUMPROLLER TRIO; ‘Let It Be3’ out now.