
Someone much cleverer than me once said that you can’t keep a good song down! Case in point is the evergreen ‘Now That We Found Love’.

Always a classic in its original Philly version from the dear old O’Jays it won a new lease of life via the Caribbean vibes of the Third World version… and now the old war horse re-emerges in a lovely, energized house tweak – well, six house tweaks to be precise!

Def Mix music are soon (February 8th) to unleash ‘Found Love’ from BLIND COLORS featuring the mighty voice of MELONIE DANIELS WALKER. Ms Walker’s roots are in gospel (you can tell) and for the last 12 years or so she was vocal arranger and backing vocalist in chief for Mariah Carey.

Amongst the mixes on offer is one by a certain David Morales. His take features a loping bass line and some classic piano fills to create some proper, old school optimism. We also like Sami Dees’ mix… if only ‘cos his name’s like our old hero San Dees! Monsieur Sami (yes, he’s French!) offers a touch of sophistication to his mix, taking things  into slightly deeper territory.

Other mixes come courtesy of Ricky Morrison and David Antony under their R&D guise.