Exciting news for listeners to internet soul radio (also easily available via you smart speaker, Alexa etc, of course!) and lovers of the good groove!  STARPOINT RADIO have just announced that starting this Saturday 19th February, dance music legend DAVID MORALES will be hosting a whole series of programmes which he calls, rather aptly, SUNDAY MASS!!!

David’s shows will run from midnight Saturday through to 5am on Sunday morning and genial Morales promises all kinds of everything – which just about sums up his remarkable 30 years career. You’ll remember, he’s worked with people like Mariah Carey, Michael Jacksons, Aretha, Whitney and many more including U2 (who?!!)

Oh,  and have we mentioned that Dave’s own, current ‘Life Is A Song’ album has been a UK no 1 chart topper – little wonder, it’s a remarkable piece of work, Check our archive for a full review.

So, Saturday night’s starting to get  even better! Don’t miss Mass and  remember our man’s own words – “Life Is A Song!” AMEN BROTHER!
