Hot on the heels of his last single, the lithe, Latin-tinged ‘Dance Amongst The Stars’, US indie soul man BRADD MARQUIS (aka Bradd M. Jackson) releases another new single – ‘I Choose You’ (no, not that one! This is an original song penned by Bradd)
Bradd’s ‘I Choose You’ is a romantic paean delivering the thoughts of a man walking down the aisle for his wedding, thinking about who he’s chosen and the promise of what’s to come. And the building soundscape and passionate vocal reflect the sentiments.
Bradd’s team tell us that the song was conceived as a break from the cynical, hyper-sexual trends of today’s R&B and soul. Bradd adds: “I believe love is a choice. We may fall in love, but we choose to stay there. On “I Choose You” I take you to my wedding day, the thoughts, fears, joy, and resolve I had in the moments before I said I do. I hope this song is used for the first dance in weddings all over the world.”
Thus, this one’s clearly aimed at lucrative wedding song market. If you’re about to tie the knot, it’s out now and we’re told it’s the title track to an upcoming BM EP.